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How to change yourself

November 11, 2018

To change yourself, you simply need to change your beliefs.

Your personality is the result of all the beliefs that you have. Every single action can be traced back to a belief you hold. When you believe in something strongly you will act in ways that express that belief.

This is why it’s possible to read people’s behavior and determine the type of person they are. A selfish person is easy to spot because they will always put themselves first before others because this root belief expresses itself in every way possible.

Which is why there’s a difference in what a person says and what a person does.

Talking is just one form of expression, acting physically is another.

So if you want to change, you need to figure out what beliefs you need in order to change.

However, installing beliefs when you have conflicting beliefs is what makes this difficult. Like wanting to lose weight but you can’t because you love eating so much or you don’t believe it’s that important to go to the gym or you believe you can just lose it later. Conflicting beliefs make changing yourself really difficult. And in order to cut out the crap you basically have to put yourself into a bootcamp where you just absorb all the correct values and do what you’re supposed to do.

And why would a bootcamp do that?

It’s because we adopt values from people around us all the time. Whether we like it or not, people’s beliefs rub off on us and slowly and subconsciously affect our beliefs.

So if you hang around people who are always negative, you’re most likely to be fairly negative too. The only way you can protect against that is to actively be aware of their values and turn it away internally, but it takes great self awareness to achieve this consistently and it’s really easy to accidentally slip an opinion that wasn’t yours but you heard through interactions with these people.

So if you want to change and be like someone in particular, hang around people with the values you want.

Or install the values you want and be the person you want to be.