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Website launched! First personal post!

November 12, 2018

Finally launched the website after yapping about it for 3 years! And after reading it this morning, I wanted to tear it down and start over again. Because I knew it wasn’t good enough. While reading it, I was squirming because the expression wasn’t fluid. It lacked oomph and flow.

I take pride in my high standards, and this just didn’t rise above it.

What really put the nail in the coffin for me though was when I tried to insert a quote from Eric Thomas. The very words I was quoting, were more effective than the entire post I had put together.

What the hell seriously.

That’s the level difference between the impact he delivers vs the impact I deliver. It was like staring up at a mountain. That’s how high I would have to climb in order to reach that level. But you know, I’ve been here before. I’ve been humbled by giants before and I sure as hell won’t back down. He got to where he is through years of practice and I haven’t done nearly anywhere as much. At least that’s my excuse but anyway.

So you’re probably wondering what video? And what quote.

I was so ashamed of the level difference I put it into a text file to paste it back here because I knew I would eventually have to face it.

It was this video. I’ve also timestamped the link so it will take you to the best bit. Quote is below:

The problem with most people, is that you’re not obsessed with self improvement. You’re obsessed with making money. You’re obsessed with taking your business to the next level. And can I be honest with you guys? When you become obsessed with self improvement…

I will spend more time learning in Australia than I will speaking. I will spend more time sitting under people. I will spend more time learning than I will speaking in this country. I will walk away with stuff I never heard before. Books I never read before. Audios I’ve never seen before. Going to conferences that I’ve never gone. Hanging out with people that I never hung out with before.

This is nothing guys, this is just the dessert!

Me speaking is just the dessert!

This is just the beginning. I came to Australia to learn. I came to Australia to get an upgrade. And when I go back my wife will notice a difference, my kids will know a difference. Why?

I’m obsessed with self improvement.

Every day I’m getting better.

There are those of you with phones and every new phone that comes out you get it. Every upgrade you get it. Every piece of software you get it. You are upgrading your technology and you’ve not upgraded yourself!

You got the same operating system you had since 1995. You don’t think any different, you don’t speak any different, you the exact same person you were in 2010!

He doesn’t even speak with correct grammar yet he’s so much more effective! (If you didn’t find it effective, watch the video seriously).

I decided to post all of this because I believe it’s necessary to be aware of my current state and to express it despite feeling bad about it. I know it’s really important to be self-aware because in order to improve I have to be able to measure myself accurately.

Also I shared my post on Facebook because I wanted feedback and I got it.

It might not look like much because a friend posted a picture of Pauline Hanson making a joke in reference to my website name and another friend kindly replied by saying ‘it was interesting’, but actually this was useful feedback.

For one, it tells me my friends are way too nice to criticize me probably, and two if they did not react with anything else besides a like click, it means the post wasn’t really that effective. If they were sharing it or if they did out of kindness (and I totally appreciate that) it means my post was ineffective. Note: I’m really grateful for this feedback and to all those who responded to the post.

So now I know what I need to focus on for the next few weeks.

Get better at expression.

And try again until I make people climax from reading my posts.

(I’m really going to hate this post in the future I just know it – but I promise I won’t delete it unless I get a notice because of copyright infringement).