ArticlesExplanationsBlog Posts

December - Update

December 27, 2018

I’ve been meaning to update the site since November but it’s been a crazy last few months of which I will detail later, when the time is right.

And secondly I’ve only just started to realize what I really wanted to achieve with this website.

I want to help categorize information better than any other site. Tie up explanations in a really neat ‘connect the dots’ sort of way. Such that when you read the site you actually feel some part of your brain going ‘IT ALL MAKES SENSE’ because nailing that experience would mean the information is really logical.

I’m also hoping to connect to like-minded people. There’s only so many people I will ever meet in Australia but I know there’s 7 billion + more out there that I haven’t talked to and maybe if we’re on a similar wavelength we need to connect and talk about these things.

I also believe information does not need to be written by accredited writers. Good information can come from anywhere and so a critical thinking filter needs to be applied to all sources of information. Does it make sense? Can we verify it vs other sources? Or plain and simply does it work?

The information on this site also needs to be simple enough to be understood by just about anyone. I will start drawing pictures (hooked up the graphics tablet woohoo) and really start improving these explanations when possible.

If easy to understand quality information is public I honestly believe it’s possible to improve the world or at least raise the standard. And if I start fulfilling this crazy dream it’s totally worth it.

So yeah that’s what this site is about. I’ll probably update the front page mission statement when I can express what I just said in better words.