ArticlesExplanationsBlog Posts

Hey my name is Mygo

And you might’ve seen me around on reddit. I used to play a lot of games and I used to take it really seriously. I quit on the 17th of March 2014 and wrote about it here: (how I changed and quit after 28 years gaming). I distinctly remember the day I quit gaming I was able to delete everything game related without any emotional resistance. And I remember realizing from that moment what changed and needing to express that, which I eventually did here.

Having said that I don't have any credentials that would make me an authority on any of these topics. Everything you read here is based on observation and discussion between peers. Over time as this blog is still early in its infancy I will improve it iteratively. Explanations will be revised. Alternate angles of explanations will be given. I hope whenever you read this, it's up to at least a good standard.

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